Wednesday 21 October 2009

Filming session 21st October

Today in lesson we done some more stop motion work with the lego toys which andrew brought in we needed to use lego as the animation as we needed this for our animation part of the music video. One problem which our group encountered with this is that

Wednesday 14 October 2009

What we did in lesson

Today in lesson we had to do editing using final cut, the reason that we use final cut instead of i-movie is because with i-movie you are not able to do many of the things which final cut brings. As a group we are still getting used to final cut because its the fist time we have ever used the programme, i find that final cut is queit hard to use because it has so many different buttons where as i-movie has a much more begginer approach however i am getting used to using i-movie much more, i am finding it easier to get to use.

We were not able to film as we had to upload what we did for the stock motion to make sure that it was working and that it didnt look stupid. Now we only need to film a few more bits and pieces to finish our film then we can upload the image. The reason why we have not already finished our film is because our main characters costume is yet to arrive because of the postal strike, because of this we are trying to look for anything else that we would be able to do in the mean time so that we do not waste any lesson time.

Friday 9 October 2009

Fig Rig Experiences

Me and all of my group have now all experienced using the fig rig for our music video which our teacher said it would be a good way of doing many different views and things if we used the camera. When we was in the studio we mad sure that we all got a turn and that we were able to get used to using the fig rig by using the fig rig we can get more experience by using the camera. We can get many different angles and make our music video look a lot better than it would be if we just made it with a camera stand.

Monday 5 October 2009

Filming session canceled

Today the group and I was meant to be filming after school however it all got canceled as Lorna (the person who is doing the singing) was not able to get the costume which she wanted to wear. so now she is going to just wear casual clothing if the costume does not get delivered by wednesday.

Friday 2 October 2009

Shooting schedule

After doing the shooting schedule we were able to find out what was going on and what we was going to doand when we are going to do all of the filming we know what props and what locations that we need to get to and what we need to use foir our idea. we have spare copies telling us what we need to do.

Sharing ideas.

As i was a new member to the group i had to share all of my new ideas to the group and they shared all of their ideas to me to make sure that i did actually understand what i am doing. i was very happy with what the group was teling me and i was very happy with what i was told to do.

3 low budget music videos!!

this was the third and final music video which i have analysed this was another video which was a very low standard and the camera angles are very basic also the editing was very poor. However this video did give me some ideas of what to use in my music video for instance some of the low angles are nice to use in our music video.

This is another one of our 3 low budget films which we watched in todays lesson now that have watched two of these we have now got a feel for these and we can now see what we can do and are able to do with our own video to make it look better than the rest. The ideas which i have to make my videos better than the rest is that i am going to add many different types of effects to make my video look very snazzy and professional. also i am going to make sure that any editing techniques i use are not going to be so obvious and make the audience think that my video is budget.

3 low budget films

This is one of the slides for the low budget films and this is to see what kind of things which you would find on the low budget films like where they would be filmed for example would it be in a high placed area and would it be round and expensive place we were also able to see what type of clothing and props were worn in these videos.

Table analysis of 3 songs from 3 genres.

I have made a table and have put three different genre of music on it and three songs to do with the genre the three genres which i decided to do were rock, pop and R'n'B. these were probably the most appealing genres to me thats why i done them. also in these videos they have many appealing aspects in the genre.

Finalized Story Boards

We have made a new storyboard to the one that we originally had we needed to make a new story board because the one that we had previously had to be removed because it looked to much like the original video so we needed to change it all. Now we have a lot better story board and now it is more our idea as a group rather than the original songs video.

these are the stroy boards which i did in my group we each had an individual task to draw certain story boards.


I have made a questionnaire about what kind of music people listen to and got all of their feedback to see what they say and the answers were not that surpriseing at all as most of the answers were what i did actually expect. i feel that mostly people listen to music more than they do any other thing on a daily basis. and mostly people download more than they buy cds from the shop.

Questionnaire Answered

This is the questionnaire that i made being answered by a person i asked various amounts of people what they thought about music and i found out what they said and what types of music that they listen to.

Planning when the group has free time.

In the lesson i have planned when everybody in our group would be free to film at first i did a rough copy then another member of the group wrote it up so it was all in an understandable and typed it up. by doing this we can now identify when we are able to film in our own time so that we can do other things during lesson like editing.
Today i was given a group to go in to as i had left last year early, so this year when i came back i got put into a group that had already started and i had to get in their group and carry on where they left off i have caught up on most of the work and still only have a few things to catch up on. but besides that i came in and made up the lost time by making the storyboards and planning the other things aswell.

Thursday 1 October 2009

1st set of story boards.

We have done this first set of story boards which we have not decided to use as it was too much like the video that we was going to use as our idea in the first place so therefore we could not use it. we had a conversation with our teacher and came to a decision that we are going to make a new one this way we could get the idea away from copying the original video and this would get us more marks overall. as we changed the story board half way through the description has not been filled out.