Monday 14 December 2009


I am using the programme photoshop to create my album cover in the lesson today i was able to take photos and upload them to photoshop and start createing my album cover. My intention for this is to create a funky looking type of cover which will attract the certain type of audience which i want to be listening to the album.

i took four pictures all together the reason why i have done this is so that i am able to see which picture i can either put on the front or the back, also to see which type of picture will appeal to the audience the most.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Posters and Back and front covers!

In the lesson today i had started my poster and my back cover for my music video dvd and magazine page. I had the idea to put the main person in the middle of the poster and put writing from other magazine around it to let the audience see what kind of reviews it got.