Sunday 21 March 2010

3. What have I learnt from my audience feedback?,

From both of these different types of feedbacks I have learnt that I should of made sure that the stop motion which I used in my video had a much more clear meaning in my narrative, also I have to make sure that when using all the special effects make sure that they do not take over the whole video so that people will not think that the effects were to over the top and dragged their attention away from the video.

3. What have I learnt from my audience feedback?,

I also got some negative feedback as I was told that I should not of have used so many effects as at times in the video it can drag the attention away from the audience, the other feedback which I got back with was negative was that the stop motion as much as it was a really big hit with the audience some people did say that they did not see what it had to link in with the lyrics.

3. What have I learnt from my audience feedback?,

The positive feedback which I got back from the peers in my class was that they liked the effects which we put on our music video; they also said that it was very good that the singer in our music video had changed outfits as the video rolled through. They said this is a very good aspect as many other music videos that the class had produced many of their singers have on the same outfit and do not change it throughout the video. The other feedback that we got was that our music video had many conventions of syth pop videos as we had many effects on it and we also had the stop motion. The stop motion was a very big hit with the audience as some had never seen it before or hadn’t used it before; another reason why they thought that the stop motion was good was the fact that we was one of the if not the only group that done it.

3. What have I learnt from my audience feedback?

I have learnt many things from my audience feedback which I have got back. The first set of audience feedback which received was the feedback from peers in my class who said some positive things and some negative things.

2. How does my main product and ancillary task match?,

For my ancillary task I also had a lot of bright colours which is the same as in my music video as my music video had lots of exhilarating colours as I wanted to make my DVD cover stand out to anyone and everyone, I did go a little bit over the top as I wanted to get the audience think “WOW” when they see my cover and they will want to buy the cover not only for the flashy art work but also for the rhythmic music that the DVD contains.

2. How does my main product and ancillary task match?,

Another relation between my main product and my ancillary task is the fact that on in my music video the main character is the main focus even though I have put many parts of stop motion in the video the main character is still the focus as with all the effects she is still in your face and she is able to attract the audience to her. The same for my ancillary task as I have put the main character as the main focus even though I put many different pictures from stop motion however just like the music video I made sure that my singer was the main actor.

2. How does my main product and ancillary task match?

My main product and my ancillary task have matching aspects with that I used pictures from my music video and put them onto my ancillary task so that I could get across the genre to the public. With my music video I had to add a lot of different effects, so when it came to making my DVD cover as an ancillary task I made sure that I had as many different effects as possible so that my DVD cover would relate to my ancillary task.

1. How does my media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?,

I researched many different DVD covers for many different genres so that I could see how they appealed to their specific audience in which they wanted to buy the DVD. When I done this research I made sure that I checked all of the colours and all how most pictures were taken so that I would know how to appeal to my audience.

1. How does my media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?,

I developed and challenged conventions of real media products in my ancillary task as well as I had many different idea and plans to make my DVD cover as perfect as possible to appeal to my niche audience so that my DVD cover would sell, I made sure that the colours which I used were the colours which I believed would be used to attract my audience, the colours which I used were bright red and bright orange I used these colours as these are very in your face funky colours. I also had many a select few picture s which I put on the back cover I did this as I wanted to give the audience a little insight into what to expect once they purchase the DVD.

1. How does my media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?,

The way in which I went about challenging the conventions of real media products was that I thought that it would be a good idea to have quiet a few elements of stop motion involving Lego characters which I made up, I thought that this would be a good way to challenge the conventions as even though you do have a lot of stop motion in many videos I thought it has rarely been done with Lego characters and this would be something which the audience will see as something unique as it is not something which gets done often. Another way in which I challenged the conventions was when I had the dancers however I had the dancers hide behind a screen and you was only able to see their shadows behind the screen taking away the traditional view of dancers as usually you are able to see who the dancers are and predominately dancers are mainly women however I took the stereotype away by having a boy and a girl both dancing in the background behind the screen.

1. How does my media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?,

For my research I went onto YouTube and looked up many different videos I made sure that the videos that I looked up were not just videos of my genre as I knew that I could get more ideas from other genres and then combine them with any ideas which I already had from my genre this way it my video would still follow the same path of synth pop however still be different as I would be challenging what the typical synth pop conventions are.

1. How does my media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When I went to go and film I had an idea that I wanted to use in the video; this was to use the fig rig and have the main character spinning around holding the camera singing, I thought that this would be effective to my genre of as I wanted my character to be inspirational to the young audience. As I was going through the editing process I was able to get ideas and develop many ways of how to make my video appeal to and gather the conventions of a synth pop genre video.

1. How does my media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

As part of my A2 course work I was asked to produce a music video and a cd cover, when asked to do a music video I had to develop a use of conventions from other music videos so that I could gather an idea of how to make my music video look like a professional one. I researched up on many different music videos on YouTube, by doing this I was able to gather a good idea about how I wanted my music video to look like. As my genre was synth pop I made sure to do my research around these types of videos; whilst doing my research on these videos I realised that if I was going to go ahead and make this type of video then I would have to go into looking to make many different effects as these videos are very bright coloured, over the top and in your face.

Friday 19 March 2010

Photoshop Poster

This is my final Photoshop poster which i have made i have made the poster with the colours which i feel will most appeal to the audience which are red, yellow and orange i feel that these are the colours which will appeal to the audience the most out of all of them. also with the effects which I made was that I made the effect of my person neon i did this as i thought that it would appeal to the audience as she is neon in parts of the video and also it will give the name actual meaning.

I chose this photo to use in the photo as i thought this was a good photo to use as it represents what my artist sstands for as and this picture is also a good picture for young children to aspire to.

Photoshop Front cover final

This is my final version of my front cover for my DVD case i have chosen to use these colours as i wanted my front cover to stand out my original colour for my ancillary task was a combination of orange, red and yellow. The reason why i decided to change these was that i thought that the original colours could be used for the inside instead.

i decided to put pictures of the stop motion task which me and my group did with lego i had two pictures from the video where we used the lego i thought that i would use some pictures from the actual music video as this video was a hit it would be good that i used this in my front cover thus showing the audience what they are getting with the DVD cover.

The fonts which i decided to use was fonts that was kinda in your face and funky the reason why i used these fonts was because the genre of my music video is very funky and quiet in your face.

Inside cover final version

I have chosen to go with these colours for the inside of my cover I was going to use these colours for the front cover however I did think they was a little dark for a front cover so i decided to only use these colours for the inside of the DVD cover i used a lot of rted in this as red does dominate the muisc video.

The reason why I used the the two photos is because I had both the album name and the band name on both sides which is why I chose to have two pictures of the artist on my front cover.

I used a poster effect on the artist i thought that this would look really good as it was an effect that I thought would make the audience look twice at the artist as it is not to over the top of an effect it still garvbbed the audiences attention and will make them look twice to see what type of effect I have done to it.