Friday 19 March 2010

Inside cover final version

I have chosen to go with these colours for the inside of my cover I was going to use these colours for the front cover however I did think they was a little dark for a front cover so i decided to only use these colours for the inside of the DVD cover i used a lot of rted in this as red does dominate the muisc video.

The reason why I used the the two photos is because I had both the album name and the band name on both sides which is why I chose to have two pictures of the artist on my front cover.

I used a poster effect on the artist i thought that this would look really good as it was an effect that I thought would make the audience look twice at the artist as it is not to over the top of an effect it still garvbbed the audiences attention and will make them look twice to see what type of effect I have done to it.

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