Friday 19 March 2010

Photoshop Front cover final

This is my final version of my front cover for my DVD case i have chosen to use these colours as i wanted my front cover to stand out my original colour for my ancillary task was a combination of orange, red and yellow. The reason why i decided to change these was that i thought that the original colours could be used for the inside instead.

i decided to put pictures of the stop motion task which me and my group did with lego i had two pictures from the video where we used the lego i thought that i would use some pictures from the actual music video as this video was a hit it would be good that i used this in my front cover thus showing the audience what they are getting with the DVD cover.

The fonts which i decided to use was fonts that was kinda in your face and funky the reason why i used these fonts was because the genre of my music video is very funky and quiet in your face.

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