Wednesday 12 May 2010

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

The last thing which I used was that I used the internet I used this to actually form the blog which I am posting all of my progress on, by using the internet to form a blog I was able to upload all of my progress to what I had done over the past few months so music videos and pictures.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

For my ancillary task I used Adobe Photoshop I found this very hard to use as even though I had used adobe Photoshop before I still was not very used to it so I did not know how to use all the effects and how to use any of the tools however as I spent more time on my ancillary task I was able to get to grasps with how my ancillary task does work. I did have an idea to use Photoshop in my music video however I realised that that would not work, I wanted to take pictures of houses and upload them into Photoshop and then try and make it look like in the video that they were moving; however I decided not to go with that as i thought that the stop motion was better than doing the houses.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

Final cut express proved to be very hard to get to grips with at first as I did not know how to use it, it was a very advanced programme to what I was used to which was i-movie which is quite basic and easy to use straight away however eventually I started to get to grips with final cut, once I knew where all of the effects were and how to actually use them to the fullest effect I was absolutely fine using final cut. I did also use I-movie for when I needed to put on the stop motion after being able to use final cut I found it extremely easy to use I- movie.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

I used one media technology called the fig rig this device was for cinematography things like tracking and made it easy for you to hang a camera from a height and be able to film. I found the fig rig at times challenging and easy at the same time as I found it challenging as I had never seen it or used something like it before, however I also found it very easy as it made it easier to get camera angles which I would of struggled to get without one, like high angles and close ups also made it easier as I wanted to zoom in at times but with the fig rig I was able to do it without using the zoom button on the camera and this made my music video look budget which is what I did not want it to do.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

When I was filming we used both a still camera and a video camera the reason why we used a still camera is because I wanted to use stop motion in our film. As I wanted our film to consist of some animation, however my ideas did change whilst doing this as I wanted to use clay animation but I was not able to do this as I realised that it would take very long to get it perfect so I then decided to go down a different route; I then decided to use Lego characters which I felt was a brilliant idea as I had never personally seen Lego characters on a music video before. I decided to make many different sequences with the Lego characters as I wanted them to be in my music video quite a bit. Once I had finished a sequence I put all of the photos together and put them onto I-movie and then I played the movie through making it look like the Lego is moving simultaneously. I used the video camera to film the actual music video I did not feel that this was that challenging for me as i have filmed before for other projects. One idea which I did have that I thought I had never done was using two cameras to film I decided to do this one it would save time and I would be able to experiment with different types of camera angles, two I wanted to track round the singer whilst there was one camera stood still filming to see what I could use that and experiment in final cut.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction research and planning and evaluation.

I used many different media technologies in the construction, research and planning and in this evaluation . the media technologies which I used was the fig rig, still camera and video cameras, adobe Photoshop, final cut express and I-movie.